Monday, October 07, 2013

.... a dream, Vampire vs Butler

I'm searching for my mom to her 'new' work office (?), telling her for buy meats before the meats sold out. Everything feels like the Armageddon, everyone trying to survive and bought a lot of food for survival preparation. 

I met a man, he is an artist, singer, and a concealed butler. This man seems familiar, and I love him. We go to a certain shopping mall and we had a shopping date on the bookstore. He was searching for a folder/binder for his paper works. But, because he is a popular artist, we shop secretly on the bookstore, and it was kinda difficult to find a folder with design he would love to.

After that, we go with a bus and found that there are vampires (around 4) targeting us. We fight the vampires on the bus, and I manage to steal their 'super long magic wand'. The magic wand can freeze the vampire for a certain seconds if you know the right spell, but I don't know the spell so I'm just hitting the vampire until I found the spell. But just a few after I used it, the crystal on the magic wand cracked and I can't used the spell anymore, and waiting until the crystal restored.

We manage to taken down the 3 of them, and we knocked the 4th out the bus. But the 4th fall and met my little brother and kidnap him. I'm crying, thinking that my little brother will get eaten, but the 4th vampire is a hairdresser so he had his hair cut. The artist changed into his butler costume, and I hug him before the last fight. A long long hug, long long hug before he fight.

And I wake up.
Checking on my phone, it's 6.40 am, 7 October 2013.
//sorry for my bad English, I woke up and wrote it down immediately.

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