Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Packet From Japan [vol.3]

My friend from Japan sent me a packet again, for the third time (that is why I put 'vol.3' LOL). She is like a mother, a sister, a best friend, and family for me. Both of us now so busy, but we still in contact each other. I feel so bad that I can't give her anything... I hope I can go to Japan soon, so I can meet her ^^
Not only Japan, I want to go to a lot of country to visit my friends (not for trips :-P). Especially Italy and Kuwait :-) I hope I can meet them soon!

Back to the packet, I'm so happy that she sent me a lot of cute snacks.  Yeah, I'm such a sucker for cute thing, so when I open the packet, I only can scream "KAWAAAAAIIIIII!!!" :-D (Kawaii, 可愛い, Japanese words for 'cute'). First is this cute thing:

Maybe for Japanese people, this is just an ordinary snack you can found anywhere. But for Indonesian like me, I never seen this before. First is Pocky Panda, in Indonesia here, there is only Pocky Chocolate, Vanilla, and Decorated. This is the first time I see Pocky Panda, and the package is really really cute, not only the outer but the inner too. And the second, on the upper part on the photo, is Sakusaku Panda biscuit. This biscuit is sooooo cute, it formed a panda face, and consist of chocolate biscuit and chocolate cream. It is so cute, I almost can't eat it, but in the end I eat it <--- can't resist chocolate. And the third, the right part on the photo, is Nameneko Card Gum. It is just an ordinary bubble gum with a bonus of cat card on it. I luuuuuuuurve cat so much, and flailing on the card too much. LOL. Here is the inside of Pocky Panda and Nameneko Card Gum (forget to take photo on sakusaku panda biscuit)

You can click on the picture for larger pic. See, it is just a normal snack, but the package is really cute. The cat card look like Japanese Driver License card, but the photo is cat. And the inside package of Panda Pocky, super cuuuuute. Ordinary white package with a lot of little panda picture printed on it. Cute. There is no Panda Pocky in Indonesia, if there is one, I will buy it everyday :D only because it cute LOL

There is another snack too. There is three lollipop, those lollipop shape like mickey mouse head. Super cute. Beside of the snacks, she sent me Softback catalog with dog picture on it. Dog is cute. Dog is cute. Dog is cute <3 The dog is the famous Softbanks's image character dog named Oto-san. Super cute. And then, she sent me some food material too. I said to her that I want to try make cream stew and she said there is a special material to make it. And she really sent it! Along with the cocoa milk powder that I want to try too :D I will try to make it when holiday comes (next month, I hope it's not getting worse)

And the last is, Arashi's single, Wild at Heart! I ask her because I'm really busy and forget to order it. Stupid me. I personally like the regular jacket. Wild at Heart is theme song for Matsumoto Jun-san's drama, title is "Lucky Seven". Well, I watch it because there is Oizumi Yo-san and Eita-san.I love this song, the theme is really cheerful and give spirit to anyone who listen to it. If you haven't try to listen to it, TRY IT!


I'm laughing by myself when I write the labels. "I'm a worldwide girl" ahahahahaha xD My friend keep addressing me as "worldwide", I don't know why. Because I'm confused what should I do with the labels, then I put this tags lolololololol.

ifat deshita.

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