Sunday, January 01, 2012

~Happy New Year 2012~

Happy new year!

Time will never stop ticking, and we are already on the new year. Time goes so fast, one year already pass and now we are heading to a new year, 2012. A lot of thing happened last year, 2011 will be so memorable for me. Well, every year is memorable. Nothing we can forget, because it is already our past. Don't be so stupid to try to forget our past, even it is a sad or hurt one, because we need our past to overcome our self, we need it to become a better us. There is a lot of thing hurt my heart, and maybe I unintended hurt someone. All people are connected each other, no matter how thin the string which connecting us. Just remember, there is no thing are a coincidence, everything is inevitable.  

Last year is a year of meeting and parting too. Well, there is no meeting without parting. Last year, I finally have a courage to parting with my beloved "boyfriend", and after that I meet someone who inspire me a lot. I never know that "this person" will be someone so special for me, and maybe I will never know if I'm not breaking up with my bf (now ex-bf). Everything happens for a reason.  

"Year" is just something we people create to identified time, but actually we are in our own "time". We are the protagonist of our own story. We are the one who write our own story. We are the one who decide if we'll having a happy life or sad life. So, lets head a new year with a smile. Don't waste your time to be sad, do not write something sad on our own story. Happy new year, and I wish for your smile :)

Wishlist? The only one thing I want now is only Sakurai Sho's new year card with his dragon drawing on it. But it is impossible so I won't take my hope high on it. ahahahaha I hope all of the people in this world can smile longer, even just one second longer.

1 January 2012, with love.
Lady red, soranarumi

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