Monday, October 20, 2014

About dream...

So many doors of opportunity but you can't choose any of it.
You get stuck. Hit the same wall, again and again.
Just how many times I need to hit this wall until I found the right way to break it?

The day I went 20, I cried. I regret what I've been done, and what I haven't done to reach my dream. The first time I'm regretting something in my life. Since that day, I spent my birthday with tears. I'm scared, really really scared. I know I shouldn't rush things, everything will eventually turn out well in the right time.

Having dream means hope. But I think, it's more about the mix of hope and despair. It's up to ourselves that it will turn out beautifully or crushed in the middle. Yes, it's hard to keep believing. But, I don't want to stop believing. I don't want to lose to myself, I want to speak my heart out.

My dream book, where I wrote my dream and goals. When I have a new goals, I write it down. When the goals accomplished, I feel proud and strike-through the lines. Funny thing, my hope and despair can be written in such a simple way.  I wonder when I'm getting old, could I make a smile while reading through those pages?

It's hard to keep believing. But, I don't want to stop believing.
I don't want to lose to myself, I want to speak my heart out. 
Even if I couldn't see the end road, I'll keep walking.
I'll welcome the sun and sky with my number one smile

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